Empowering you,
will empower us.





Support Coordination

Avocado Care Motivate and Build Conciousness on people with disabilities

NDIS Support Coordination Melbourne | Avocado Care

Avocadocare Wide Range Support Coordination Services

Avocadocare delivers three levels of support coordination.

  • Support Coordination
  • Specialist Support Coordination
  • Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
  • Support Coordination

    AVOCADOCARE provides support coordination to participants in Victoria, Adelaide, and Queensland. All Avocadocare support coordinators are social work, counselling, psychology, and mental health qualified and experienced, working around the clock to ensure participants get the best outcome from their NDIS plan.

    Support Coordination as well as Support Connection Services is a Capacity Building support, and part of our role is to ensure that you learn
    the skills to be able to do this yourself. We can complete research; make inquiries on your behalf;
    negotiate service agreements; and ensure your support is organised in line with your NDIS budgets.
    When it comes to engaging service providers, we can support you to speak to services to negotiate
    days/times that suit you.

    Support Coordination Services in Victoria Offered by AvocadoCare

    Specialist Support Coordination

    Our specialist support coordinators support people with Complex Support Needs. Complex support needs that include:
    • Dual diagnosis
    • Significant medical issues/conditions
    • Psychosocial with episodic needs resulting in  disengagement or breakdown of supports
    • History of trauma and or abuse
    • Situational factors such as family breakdown, lack of informal supports, involvement in the criminal justice system
    • People who require multi-services involvement
    NDIS Support Coordination | Avocado Care-1
    Support Coordination NDIS | Avocado Care

    Our specialist support coordinators undertake the following tasks to support their clients:

    • Understand the Plan, goals, supports, and budgets
    • Connect with supports and services (NDIS supports and mainstream support services)
    • Design Support Approaches
    • Establish Supports
    • Coach, Refine, Reflect
    • Conduct care team meeting
    • Crisis: Planning, Prevention, Mitigation and Action
    • Address Complex Barriers
    • Design Complex Service Plan
    • Build Capacity and Resilience
    • Report to the NDIA



    Support Coordination NDIS | Avocado Care-2

    AvocadoCare Truly Helps, Talk to Us and We Will Listen

    Our specialist support coordinators understand that clients who have complex support needs generally intersect with other mainstream support services. These mainstream support services include:

    • Mental Health
    • Justice
    • Housing
    • Health
    • Child protection

    Both our specialist support coordinators and Support Coordinators understand how to effectively respond to a client in crisis including:

    • How to respond to allegations of abuse and crisis
    • Understanding support services and referral pathways available
    • Reporting to the NDIA
    • How to work collaboratively with other support services
    • Support clients to find informal, community, mainstream, and paid options during times of crisis
    • Conduct Case conferencing and documentation

    Our Support coordinators:

    • Help participants understand how to use your NDIS plan.
    • Teach participants how to use the NDIS portal
    • To monitor your funds
    • Support participants to manage their NDIS services
    • To get the best outcome from their plan
    • Negotiate with service providers as required
    • Monitor the progress and outcomes of NDIS goals
    • Help participants prepare for your next NDIS review
    • Work with participant support network (family, friends, and other service providers) to work toward meeting goals in NDIS plan
    • Assist participant to link into community and mainstream support services
    • Identify supports and services to assist participants with crisis resolution

    Avocadocare Caters Only to Effective Disability Support Services

    Our support coordinators are generally good at:

    • Assessment
    • Identifying mainstream support services to assist
    • Coordinating services
    • Monitoring and Reviewing
    • Good documentation
    NDIS Support Coordination | Avocado Care

    Frequently Asked Question

    We break up your Support Coordination hours, so you get the most out of your plan. This can be
    changed at any time to suit the participant. For example, if you would like to use most of your hours
    to support the implementation of your plan (and only keep minimal hours for later) we can do this at
    your request.

    Support Coordination is a Capacity Building support, and part of our role is to ensure that you learn
    the skills to be able to do this yourself. We can complete research; make inquiries on your behalf;
    negotiate service agreements; and ensure your support is organised in line with your NDIS budgets.
    When it comes to engaging service providers, we can support you to speak to services to negotiate
    days/times that suit you.

    The NDIA has stated that all requests to review decisions/plans need to come from participants. We
    can help you gather information; however, we cannot contact the NDIA directly on your behalf
    without your consent. Our focus needs to be on implementing your current plan, so that there are
    services supporting you initially while the review takes place. Please be aware that any time spent
    gathering information for a review will be charged to your plan, which means there may be less
    money to support you to implement your plan.s to negotiate
    days/times that suit you.

    The NDIA does not allow Support Coordinators to provide individual support to participants or
    support them by transporting them to attend appointments. If you need services organised quickly,
    please let your Support Coordinator know so that we can work in a timeframe that is appropriate for
    your individual circumstances. A support worker can be arranged to support you attend your

    AVOCADOCARE offers a range of different services, including Support Coordination services,
    individual support, accommodation services, and group programs. To ensure there is no conflict of
    interest when our Support Coordinators look for quotes for services on your behalf, we will always
    provide 3 quotes from other services, in addition to our own. It is then your decision if you would
    like to choose our service or go with another provider. Your decision will not affect your Support
    Coordination services at all, as they operate independently from each other, so you do not need to
    be worried about any repercussions.

    To ensure that there is no conflict of interest in the services you receive from AVOCADOCARE, your
    support worker will be different to your Support Coordinator if you choose to purchase other
    services through us. This way if you are not happy with one of the services you are receiving you can
    ask for a change in worker at any time, and it will not affect your other service.

    Unfortunately, the NDIA will not increase your Support Coordination hours during your current plan,
    however, we will support you if it is determined that you have run out of your support coordination
    due to a significant change in your circumstances that requires extra support coordination.

    We can change your support coordinator only if your support coordinator is not your right fit to
    support you achieve the best outcome from your plan. However, we do not change support
    coordinator just because you do not like them because of their age, skin colour or ethnicity, because
    we do not discriminate people because of their age, skin colour or ethnicity.

    Get the Right Support

    Feel free to contact us for any question you may have about our disability services. Together, we can find the level of care and support that is best for you! Get in touch today to get started.

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